Sunday 13 April 2008

a bowl of beans

the last time you get to interact, wow, market to, entertain, do something remarkable or just annoy your shopper is when they are giving you money... the till point

this is also a big moment for her as she is giving you something tangible at that point, in exchange for your goods.

this moment is given precious little focus by retailers in general, which brings me me to the bowl of beans. i get my very good morning caffeine from a coffee shop, starlings, down the road. here trish and her team do a number of remarkable things, one of which happens when you request the bill.
this burst of colour arrives in a small white bowl. they have taken a standard practice (mints with the bill) and made it special.
so retailers, what do you give your shopper as she leaves?even if it is just how you say goodbye, and does is set you apart from your competition

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