Wednesday, 9 April 2008

ker!ching take one

well here we go!

i've been promising to do this for a while now. to write down/blog some of the thoughts and views i have on retail, especially here in south africa.

hugh (one of my favourite bloggers - ) expressed the inertia extremely well on one of his business card cartoons

the fonts, layout, template will change over time as this web 0.1 blogger learns about this media. i don't even know how frequently i will be blogging, but I do know for sure i don't want to be a herb!

i have a load of topics to start with including, and in no particular order:

  • what was said at last month's retail week conference in london?
  • new store ideas/formats
  • who is getting it right?
  • who is getting it wrong?
  • the pick n pay rebranding
  • a view on the sizing debate raging in the press
  • winners and losers in the hard times
  • the plus size market
  • etc.

on some of these i may only come up with a short paragraph and some i could write a short series. i would love you to add topics to this list if you want me to investigate something, or even just want a view - albeit with a large disclaimer.

so here we go!


Tresca said...

I'm interested! what happened at the retail conf in London last week?

PY said...

looks awesome. i have lots to say, I am the SHOPPER. cant wait for you to launch it to the world.

Unknown said...

Great sell! I'm interested